FREE 5 Day
Intuitive Eating Challenge
for Women

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Challenge Starts on Monday March 29, 2021
Mark your calendar 
Eat for Pleasure Without
Guilt or Shame

Discover a simple and effective way to eat mindfully, curb your cravings and enjoy the pleasure of eating once again!


You've tried dieting a million times. Now try a non-diet approach...
  • Forget calorie counting.
  • Forget measuring food. 
  • Forget the scale.

Say goodbye to shame and guilt around food and eating once and for all.

The fight between your body and food is over, get tools and support from someone who knows where you have been and who cares.

When you trust and tune into your hunger and fullness and satisfaction cues you become an intuitive, intentional and mindful eater.


Once you end the battle with food and eating, you free up your time, energy
and brain space to do the things you love and enjoy!

Imagine saying YES to food, family and friends!

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40 + years of guiding and empowering women of all sizes, shapes and weights to feel more comfortable and confident in their bodies and selves, so they know their true value and worth.

Helping women reject society's thin ideal, say NO to diets and heal from diet culture my programs and service empower women to build body confidence , play and move with joy, implement self care to stress less and find food freedom
Your coaching guide is Anne Poirier, CSCS
  • Author of the Body Joyful
  • Leader of the Body Joyful Revolution
  • Certified Intuitive Eating and Body Confidence Coach

Like YOU, I've struggled with weight challenges, eating, poor body image, negative self talk, diets and societies thin ideal for decades.  In addition, as a fitness professional, I was disappointed with the long term results I was getting with both my clients and myself using the conventional and so-called best practices.

I was motivated and inspired to do better and be better, so I began a personal and professional journey to learn a better, more compassionate way; which I now call The Body Joyful Solution.

Becoming a Body Joyful Woman enables women to experience more joy, better health and live more impactful  and authentic lives.
Read how Intuitive Eating has positively impacted these women's lives!
By the end of the 5 Day Intuitive Eating for Women Challenge, you will learn how to...
  • Tune into YOUR bodies natural hunger and fullness cues
  • Feel more confident in coping with emotions and feelings without food
  • Have the tools to enjoy food in a calm and relaxed, guilt free manner.
  • And much more...

Includes these 2 special BONUSES:

      1. 15 minute welcome chat (to discuss your specific needs and situation)
      2. Special Graduation Ceremony (Sat. April 3)
This is no 'set and forget' program - Anne Poirier personally works with all students to make sure everyone is set for success in just 5 days.  Because of the huge value in this challenge, student intakes are strictly limited to 25 participants. 

So, register and get ready to take ACTION and get RESULTS.
Copyright 2020 -   Shaping Perspectives LLC.               PO Box 463 Old Orchard Beach ME 04064